Akrýllitur MAXI ACRIL 60 ml 36

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Maxi Acril are traditional acrylic paint with a glossy finish.

Thanks to the application of high-quality resin and careful selection of European and American pigments, these paints offer high resistance to light and many colours. They compose a durable and flexible layer with a moderate and uniform gloss.

The range includes 48 colours, of which all can be mixed together, and 7 metallic colours available in 60 ml aluminium tubes.

  • heavy body
  • artist quality acrylic paint
  • 60 ml tubes
  • high-quality resin
  • 48 colours range


Opacity and glazing properties

The opacity of a pigmented colour is not only depending on the thickness of the colour application but also on the kind and concentration of the pigment as well as on the kind binder in the colour. all colours have been submitted to the same testing method: satndardized application on black and white striped saturated base. this allows a classification with the following 4 symbols:

opaque Semi-opaque Semi-transparent transparent


This describes the durability of a colour in daylight. A number of influencing factors play a role too, like intensity of sunlight, temperature, moisture, oxygen or gas content of the air.

8 - Excellent 7 - Very good 6 - Good

01. Titanium white 02. Naples yellow (red shade) 03. Naples yellow light

04. Naples yellow deep 05. Cadmium lemon 06. Primary yellow

07. Cadmium yellow medium 08. Cadmium yellow deep 09. Cadmium orange

10. Saturn red 11. Light vermilion 12. Carmine

13. Scarlet vermilion 14. Deep vermilion 15. Primary red

16. Madder lake deep 17. Violet lake 18. Madder lake

19. Mineral violet 20. Cyan blue 21. Royal blue

22. Cerulean blue 23. Cobalt blue 24. Cobalt blue deep

25. Ultramarine blue 26. Cadmium green light 27. Paolo Veronese green

28. Permanent green 29. Cadmium green deep 30. Olive green

31. Emerald green 32. Hooker's green 33. Sap green

34. Gold ochre 35. Raw siena 36. Raw Pozzuoli

37. Burnt siena 38. Raw umber 39. Burnt umber

40. Bitumen 41. Payne's grey 42. Ivory black

43. Bright yellow 44. Rose 45. Turquoise

46. Green ultramarine 47. Prussian blue 48. Chromium oxide green

49. Iridescent pearl white 50. Gold 51. Rich gold

52. Ducat gold 53. Silver 54. Copper

55. Bronze

Color Index and Pigments names

The Color Index system is an international standard to denominate dyes and pigments. A combination of letters and numbers indicate the colour category. For example: PO 20, means Pigment Orange 20. Color Index names are: PW (Pigment White) / PY (Pigment Yellow) / PO (Pigment Orange) / PR (Pigment Red) / PV (Pigment Violet) / PB (Pigment Blue) / PG (Pigment Green) / PBr (Pigment Brown) / PBk (Pigment Black).

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