PRIMAcryl® Professional Forsala – Myndlistarvöruverslunin

Vöruflokkar: PRIMAcryl® Professional Forsala

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Héðan í frá til 2. Febrúar geturðu nýtt þér þetta einstaka tilboð og verið með þeim fyrstu á Íslandi sem geta upplifað gæði PRIMAcryls. Pöntunin verður heimsent til byrjun febrúars.

PRIMAcryl Professional & PRIMAcryl Fluid – Finest Artists’ Acrylic Colours

Schmincke's PRIMAcryl sets the standard for premium artist acrylics, offering:

  • PRIMAcryl Professional: 90 richly pigmented, textured colors in a solid-pasty consistency.
  • PRIMAcryl Fluid: 48 color-identical tones in a smooth, flowing consistency.

These high-quality paints are crafted with maximum pigment concentration, ensuring exceptional brilliance and purity.

Why Choose PRIMAcryl?

Sustainability You Can Trust

  • Microplastic-free, innovative binder with a low CO2 footprint.
  • Bottles and jars made from recycled plastics.
  • 89 vegan colors (only Ivory Black contains animal ingredients).
  • Safe, cadmium-free alternatives for all cadmium colors.

Superior Color Quality

  • Vibrant and highly pigmented for maximum brilliance.
  • 2/3 of the range uses single-pigment colors for pure, clean mixing.
  • Minimal color shift between wet and dry paint.
  • Titanium White: unmatched in opacity, coverage, and yield.

Two Versatile Consistencies

  • PRIMAcryl Professional: Thick and textured, perfect for bold brushwork and palette knife techniques.
  • PRIMAcryl Fluid: Soft-flowing, ideal for fine details, glazing, and fluid art.

Durable and Reliable

  • Lightfastness of 4-5 stars ensures colors stay vibrant for years.
  • Elastic, waterproof drying without cracking or yellowing.

Available Sizes:

  • PRIMAcryl Professional:
    • 60 ml tubes (90 colors).
    • 35 ml tubes (60 colors).
    • 150 ml tubes and 237 ml jars (48 colors).
    • Titanium White in 474 ml jars.
  • PRIMAcryl Fluid:
    • 250 ml bottles (48 colors).
    • Titanium White in 500 ml bottles.

1 vörur
  • Akrýllitur - PrimAcryl® Professional - Heavy Body - 60 ml
    Frá 2.449 kr
    Frá 2.449 kr