Gjafaleikur – Myndlistarvöruverslunin artsupplies.is

Við erum flutt! Komdu í heimsokn í nýju verslunina okkar á Hrísateigi 47! Bara steinsnar frá gömlu búðinni á Laugarnesvegi 74a.


1. The organiser of the giveaway is Artsupplies ehf, Lambastaðabraut 2, 170 Seltjarnarnes.

2. Every adult person living in Iceland and user of TikTok can participate in the giveaway

3. To take part, every participant has to like the video and leave a comment with a colour from the Schmincke Horadam watercolour series. 

4. The participant can win one of three Schmincke Horadam Dot Cards. There is one Dot Card with 40 Supergranulating colours and two dot cards with 140 colours. 

5. The competition will end on November 7th 2022 at 23.50, we will select the winners through commentpicker.com 

6. The winners will be contacted via private message on TikTok. 

7. The win will be available for pick up in our store at Laugarnesvegur 74a, or will be sent per Dropp/Pósturinn. 

7. The giveaway is not associated in any way with TikTok.