HORADAM® ferða vatnslitasett - 8 hálf kubbar með vatnstank – Myndlistarvöruverslunin artsupplies.is
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HORADAM® ferða vatnslitasett - 8 hálf kubbar með vatnstank

23.999 kr
23.999 kr
Verð með virðisaukaskatti. Sendingar reiknaðar við afgreiðslu.

This set includes 8 half pans of Schmincke HORADAM® AQUARELL fine watercolours in a compact metal tin. The additional flask and water tank make it the perfect companion for travelling.

The set includes the following colours:

  • 215 - lemon yellow
  • 349 - cadmium red light
  • 353 - permanent carmine
  • 494 - ultramarine finest
  • 492 - Prussian blue
  • 534 - permanent green olive
  • 655 - yellow ochre
  • 663 - sepia brown

Schmincke HORADAM® AQUARELL watercolours in pans are still poured, using special machinery designed for Schmincke, in the 4-stage process that allows to use the same creamy pigment-rich formula that goes in our tubes. After each layer, the pans are placed in drying chambers in which they dry for approx. 2 - 6 weeks in a constant temperature. Outstanding quality requires a special production process resulting in a total production time of 3 - 5 months just for a single pan.

It is quite usual to use different formulas for pan and tube water colours. Schmincke does not see any reason for this. The artist should be given the chance to refill his pans with tube colours. Schmincke makes it possible with the same optimal formulas and the quality that come up to the most professional demands.

Since the two chemists Hermann Schmincke and Josef Horadam have founded the company in 1881 in Düsseldorf, finest artists’ colours Made in Germany have a name well known for tradition, passion and quality: H. Schmincke & Co.

after founding of the Schmincke-factory in 1881, for Josef Horadam to research, develop and further improve "his" watercolour-line to top the watercolours, invented earlier in England. In 1892 he received his first patent for his "HORADAM Patent-Aquarellfarben".

Well known artists like Otto Dix, Emil Nolde and Oskar Kokoschka have painted with Schmincke colours already in the past as well as many professional artists today. The international community of professional artists appreciates the premium quality of Schmincke brands.

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