Pensla sett Watercolour Stories Intermediate by Laura Cortinovis (10 s – Myndlistarvöruverslunin

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Pensla sett Watercolour Stories Intermediate by Laura Cortinovis (10 stk)

Pensla sett Watercolour Stories Intermediate by Laura Cortinovis (10 stk)

Borciani & Bonazzi
11.999 kr
11.999 kr
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The artist presents the kit as follows: “I have prepared a selection for those who are starting to get serious about watercolours, including some of my favourite Borciani e Bonazzi series. With these brushes, you can create excellent works and you can improve your technique, since they are characterised by precision of the stroke and a remarkable capacity for water absorbency."

The selection of 10 brushes predominantly comes from two of the artist's favourite series – the synthetic 820 UNICO Fiammato with balanced handle is thus included in various sizes able to cover all dimensions in illustrations and the Italia 1951 Series, with ecological characteristics including the traditional green synthetic fibre, water-based varnish on the handle and ink-free decoration. The indispensable mottler and a microart brush complete the kit, for an extremely versatile range of tools.

The "Watercolour Stories" Intermediate Kit contains: Series 820 Synthetic size 2 Series 820 Synthetic size 4 Series 820 Synthetic size 6 Series 820 Synthetic size 10 Series 400 Italia size 12 Series 401 Italia size 14 Series 821 size 10 Series 302 size 30 Series 302 size 50 Series 21 size 0

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